Friday, June 13, 2008


I am reading a book by Bruxy Cavey called "The end of religion." Bruxy is a Pastor of a church from Toronto. Before I picked his book, I heard him at Briercrest Seminary at Caronport where he was the key note speaker. Bruxy's message is simply that God came in human form and He doesn't want any extras or frills before you can know him personally. He is not interested in traditions, structures nor experiences. It is amazing how people have complicated God's good news. What is more, the first Christians did not have any churches. They met in houses. They heard the good news and got baptized there and then! Today, we complicate matters by demanding what Bruxy calls add ons. This is all religion which takes us away from God. His message is to come as we are. It is wonderful to be connected to a mainline church for encouragement and fellowship. It is however a consequence of becoming a child of God and not a pre-condition.
