Thursday, December 22, 2011

What did you get for Christmas?

"What did you get for Christmas?" will again be asked on the morning of 25th December, 2011. Whether you get your favorite present or not, it is important to remember that we all can receive the most previous gift that has ever been given, if we only stop and accept the gift. The gift is Jesus Christ whose birthday most people celebrate without knowing. He was born so that whoever believes can receive salvation, See John 3 v 16.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Zambia Votes

On September 20, 2011, Zambians will go to the polls to vote for a new president and members of parliament. I wish the country a peaceful election. I look forward to a time when leaders will come forward to serve instead of enriching themselves.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Queen City Marathon

It came and went (September 11). Congratulations to the brave souls who put up with the heat (the thermometer climbed to near 30 degree C). What I found most exciting was the effect of preparation (training) even before the race started. The majority of people looked fit. No wonder they say, it is the preparation and not the actual race that matters. For the first time, I also heard from the pasta party (before the race) that a prayer meeting was taking place at the First Baptist Church in downtown Regina to encourage the runners and their safety! This was a first and I would have liked to go.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Bible Math

You have probably heard of verses like "I will be be with you to the close of the age," "Where two are gathered, I AM `in their midst." As rightly said by the children's story teller, the bible has a different math. Simply put, one plus one is not two but three! The third PERSON is the Lord. As well, you are never alone. HE is always by your side.

Monday, January 03, 2011


"In prayer,it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart." Daily Bread,January 3, 2011


Christmas came and went. Yes, I received presents and many other people did. The majority of people received presents that they don’t like. I know this because, the week after Christmas, also known as boxing week is extremely busy at most Customer Service desks. Lines snake through the shops as people return presents that they don’t want to keep. There is one present that we cannot afford to return. This is the true Christmas gift of the birth of baby Jesus. It is God’s love handed out freely to anyone who is willing to keep the gift. It is the perfect gift and those who keep it live without regrets. If you did not receive any gift this past Christmas, you can claim the gift of baby Jesus. Just ask.
